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Series Actualites the comet, the Parisians are taking all necessary precautions even at mid day since Mr Babinet had announced that the sun might disappear

Order as handmade oil painting Series Actualites the comet, the Parisians are taking all necessary precautions even at mid day since Mr Babinet had announced that the sun might disappear - Honoré Daumier |
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Series Actualites the comet, the Parisians are taking all necessary precautions even at mid day since Mr Babinet had announced that the sun might disappear
English: "Series Actualites the comet, the Parisians are taking all necessary precautions even at mid day since Mr Babinet had announced that the sun might disappear" oil on Canvas.
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Honoré Daumier
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Series Galerie physionomique Une lecture entrainante An absorbing subject -
Honoré Daumier
Series La Comete de 1857 The German astronomer releasing a famous duck -
Honoré Daumier [locked]
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