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Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, France

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Illustration for The Murders in the Rue Morgue by Edgar Allan Poe 1809-49 engraved by Eugene Michel Abot 1836-94 - Daniel Urrabieta Vierge
Illustration for The Murders in the Rue Morgue by Edgar Allan Poe 1809-49 engraved by Eugene Michel Abot 1836-94 - Daniel Urrabieta Vierge
Ms Sup Turc 693 fol.96v Inspection of the Male Urethra, 1466 - Charaf-ed-Din
Ms Sup Turc 693 fol.96v Inspection of the Male Urethra, 1466 - Charaf-ed-Din
Humpty Dumpty, illustration for the nursery rhyme by Lewis Carroll 1832-98 - John Tenniel
Humpty Dumpty, illustration for the nursery rhyme by Lewis Carroll 1832-98 - John Tenniel
Memento Mori - Jean Morin
Memento Mori - Jean Morin
Universal Suffrage, 10th December 1848, election of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte 1808-73, 1848-49 - Frederic Sorrieu
Universal Suffrage, 10th December 1848, election of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte 1808-73, 1848-49 - Frederic Sorrieu
Portrait of William Shakespeare 1564-1616 1719 - George Vertue
Portrait of William Shakespeare 1564-1616 1719 - George Vertue
Ramesses IV (1153-1147 BC) offering incense to Isis and Amon-Re, seated on a throne, copy of a wall painting from his tomb in the Valley of the Kings, plate 260 from
Ramesses IV (1153-1147 BC) offering incense to Isis and Amon-Re, seated on a throne, copy of a wall painting from his tomb in the Valley of the Kings, plate 260 from 'Monuments d'Egypte' - Jean Francois Champollion
Captain Samuel Wallis (1728-1830) being received by Queen Oberea on the Island of Tahiti, from
Captain Samuel Wallis (1728-1830) being received by Queen Oberea on the Island of Tahiti, from 'A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean' by James Cook (1728-79) engraved by John Hall (1739-97) - John Webber
Amerigo Vespucci 1454-1512 landing in America, engraved by Theodor Galle 1571-1633 - (after) Straet, Jan van der (Giovanni Stradano)
Amerigo Vespucci 1454-1512 landing in America, engraved by Theodor Galle 1571-1633 - (after) Straet, Jan van der (Giovanni Stradano)
Study of a pediment from the Parthenon - Jacques Carrey
Study of a pediment from the Parthenon - Jacques Carrey
Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1712-78 Gathering Herbs at Ermenonville - Nicolas Andre Monsiau
Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1712-78 Gathering Herbs at Ermenonville - Nicolas Andre Monsiau
Marco Polo with elephants and camels arriving at Hormuz on the Gulf of Persia from India - Boucicaut Master
Marco Polo with elephants and camels arriving at Hormuz on the Gulf of Persia from India - Boucicaut Master
A Bison, c.1832 - George Catlin
A Bison, c.1832 - George Catlin
Dissected human body 1543 - Andreas Vesalius
Dissected human body 1543 - Andreas Vesalius
The First Parachute Descent by Andre Jacques Garnerin 1770-1823 over Parc Monceau, 22nd October 1797 - Simon Petit
The First Parachute Descent by Andre Jacques Garnerin 1770-1823 over Parc Monceau, 22nd October 1797 - Simon Petit
Description of a Boxing Match, 1812 - Thomas Rowlandson
Description of a Boxing Match, 1812 - Thomas Rowlandson
Inquisition Trial in Spain - Adriaan Schoonebeek
Inquisition Trial in Spain - Adriaan Schoonebeek
View of the Tavern of Pompeii with the Priapus Shop Sign, from Antiquites de Pompeia by G.B. Piranesi, engraved by Francesco Piranesi 1758-1810 1804 - Giovanni Battista Piranesi
View of the Tavern of Pompeii with the Priapus Shop Sign, from Antiquites de Pompeia by G.B. Piranesi, engraved by Francesco Piranesi 1758-1810 1804 - Giovanni Battista Piranesi
A Dentist Pulling a Tooth, 1857 - Anonymous Artist
A Dentist Pulling a Tooth, 1857 - Anonymous Artist
Paris, demolitions for the building of Rue des Ecoles, view taken from rue Saint-Nicolas du Chardonnet, engraved by Charles Maurand 19th century - Felix Thorigny
Paris, demolitions for the building of Rue des Ecoles, view taken from rue Saint-Nicolas du Chardonnet, engraved by Charles Maurand 19th century - Felix Thorigny
The Fool - Jacquemart De Hesdin
The Fool - Jacquemart De Hesdin
Anatomy 1543 - Andreas Vesalius
Anatomy 1543 - Andreas Vesalius
The Divorce of Napoleon I (1769-1821) and Josephine Tascher de la Pagerie (1763-1814) 30th November 1809 - Charles Abraham Chasselat
The Divorce of Napoleon I (1769-1821) and Josephine Tascher de la Pagerie (1763-1814) 30th November 1809 - Charles Abraham Chasselat
Port of New Orleans, engraved by D.G. Thompson - Alfred R. Waud
Port of New Orleans, engraved by D.G. Thompson - Alfred R. Waud
The plague of 1720 in Marseilles, engraved by Simon Thomassin 1655-1733 1727 - Jean François de Troy
The plague of 1720 in Marseilles, engraved by Simon Thomassin 1655-1733 1727 - Jean François de Troy
Cover of La Bombe depicting General Boulanger 1837-91 taking the Bastille, caricature on the French Elections of 1889, 14th July 1889 - Paul de Semant
Cover of La Bombe depicting General Boulanger 1837-91 taking the Bastille, caricature on the French Elections of 1889, 14th July 1889 - Paul de Semant
Emperor Ch
Emperor Ch'in Wang Ti (r.221-210 BC) abolishing feudalism, from a history of Chinese emperors - Anonymous Artist
Scene from Carmen by Prosper Merimee 1803-70 illustrated by Eugene Decisy 1866-p.1936 - Gaston Vuillier
Scene from Carmen by Prosper Merimee 1803-70 illustrated by Eugene Decisy 1866-p.1936 - Gaston Vuillier
Laurel, botanical plate, c.1810 - Pierre Jean Francois Turpin
Laurel, botanical plate, c.1810 - Pierre Jean Francois Turpin
Liou Repelling the French at Bach Ninh during the Franco-Chinese War of 1885, 1885-89 - Anonymous Artist
Liou Repelling the French at Bach Ninh during the Franco-Chinese War of 1885, 1885-89 - Anonymous Artist
Reconstruction of Theleme Abbey, illustration from Rabelais et larchitecture de la Renaissance by Charles Lenormant 1802-59, Paris, published 1840 - Questel
Reconstruction of Theleme Abbey, illustration from Rabelais et larchitecture de la Renaissance by Charles Lenormant 1802-59, Paris, published 1840 - Questel
The Cambodian Palace at the Trocadero, the Universal Exhibition of 1900 - Henri Toussaint
The Cambodian Palace at the Trocadero, the Universal Exhibition of 1900 - Henri Toussaint
Caricature of Charles Baudelaire 1821-67 - Gaspard Felix Tournachon Nadar
Caricature of Charles Baudelaire 1821-67 - Gaspard Felix Tournachon Nadar
Portrait of Francois Ravaillac, the assassin of Henri IV 1553-1610 - Christoffel van the Elder Sichem
Portrait of Francois Ravaillac, the assassin of Henri IV 1553-1610 - Christoffel van the Elder Sichem
Cour de Marbre in Versailles 1676 - Israël Silvestre the Younger
Cour de Marbre in Versailles 1676 - Israël Silvestre the Younger
Emperor Yang Ti (581-618) strolling in his gardens with his wives, from a history of Chinese emperors 2 - Anonymous Artist
Emperor Yang Ti (581-618) strolling in his gardens with his wives, from a history of Chinese emperors 2 - Anonymous Artist
Plan of the Abbey Church of St Denis - Charles Inselin
Plan of the Abbey Church of St Denis - Charles Inselin
The Fall of a Picador, an illustration from Carmen by Prosper Merimee 1803-70 engraved by Eugene Decisy 1866-c.1936 - Gaston Vuillier
The Fall of a Picador, an illustration from Carmen by Prosper Merimee 1803-70 engraved by Eugene Decisy 1866-c.1936 - Gaston Vuillier
Lion drawn from life c. 1235 - Villard De Honnecourt
Lion drawn from life c. 1235 - Villard De Honnecourt
Ruined Gallery of the Villa Adriana at Tivoli - Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Ruined Gallery of the Villa Adriana at Tivoli - Giovanni Battista Piranesi
On the Water illustration from The Nutcracker - Carl Offterdinger
On the Water illustration from The Nutcracker - Carl Offterdinger
Accident in a textile mill in Lille, illustration from Le Petit Journal, 1898 - Alfred Pronier
Accident in a textile mill in Lille, illustration from Le Petit Journal, 1898 - Alfred Pronier
The Building of a Cathedral c. 1465 - Jean Fouquet
The Building of a Cathedral c. 1465 - Jean Fouquet
The Market in Sokoto in 1853, from
The Market in Sokoto in 1853, from 'Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa' by Heinrich Barth - Johann Martin Bernatz
A deposit of crowns at the cash counter, engraved by Chaivire 19th century 1897 - Louis Remy Sabattier
A deposit of crowns at the cash counter, engraved by Chaivire 19th century 1897 - Louis Remy Sabattier
Grotto of Thetis in Versailles - Jean Le Pautre
Grotto of Thetis in Versailles - Jean Le Pautre
Arabia and India, from the Miller Atlas, c.1519 - Pedro Reinel
Arabia and India, from the Miller Atlas, c.1519 - Pedro Reinel
Civil Service Exam Under Emperor Jen Tsung (fl.1022) from a history of Chinese emperors - Anonymous Artist
Civil Service Exam Under Emperor Jen Tsung (fl.1022) from a history of Chinese emperors - Anonymous Artist
Ms Sup Turc 693 fol.28v Cauterisation for Toothache, 1466 - Charaf-ed-Din
Ms Sup Turc 693 fol.28v Cauterisation for Toothache, 1466 - Charaf-ed-Din
Advertisement for Jambon Coleman, 1900 - E. Samson
Advertisement for Jambon Coleman, 1900 - E. Samson
Hotel Tambonneau, Paris 1650s - Jean I Marot
Hotel Tambonneau, Paris 1650s - Jean I Marot
Perspective View of the garden facade of the Chateau of Vaux-le-Vicomte - Israël Silvestre the Younger
Perspective View of the garden facade of the Chateau of Vaux-le-Vicomte - Israël Silvestre the Younger
German Uniforms - Richard Knoetel
German Uniforms - Richard Knoetel
Homes of Victor Hugo the lounge at Hauteville house in Guernsey the armchair of the ancestor - Fortune Louis Meaulle
Homes of Victor Hugo the lounge at Hauteville house in Guernsey the armchair of the ancestor - Fortune Louis Meaulle
Portrait of Francois Quesnay (1694-1774) - J. Chevallier
Portrait of Francois Quesnay (1694-1774) - J. Chevallier
Group of negroes imported to be sold for Slaves in 1793, from Narrative of a Five Years Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, by J.G. Stedman, 1796 - John Gabriel Stedman
Group of negroes imported to be sold for Slaves in 1793, from Narrative of a Five Years Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, by J.G. Stedman, 1796 - John Gabriel Stedman
The Nobleman is the Spider and the Peasant is the Fly 1650 - Jacques Lagniet
The Nobleman is the Spider and the Peasant is the Fly 1650 - Jacques Lagniet
Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes 1748-1836 - Jean Baptiste Verite
Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes 1748-1836 - Jean Baptiste Verite
View of Manila, Philippines, 1826 - Ludwig (Louis) Choris
View of Manila, Philippines, 1826 - Ludwig (Louis) Choris
Black revolt in Santo Domingo, 16th September 1802, from Histoire Universelle du XIXe siecle, after Martine - Jean Francois Pourvoyeur
Black revolt in Santo Domingo, 16th September 1802, from Histoire Universelle du XIXe siecle, after Martine - Jean Francois Pourvoyeur
Bartholo, illustration from Act II Scene 11 of
Bartholo, illustration from Act II Scene 11 of 'The Barber of Seville' - Emile Antoine Bayard
Native of the Caribbean with his weapons, from a manuscript on plants and civilization in the Antilles, c.1686 - Charles Plumier
Native of the Caribbean with his weapons, from a manuscript on plants and civilization in the Antilles, c.1686 - Charles Plumier
Chang Tao-Ling (fl.35 AD) - Anonymous Artist
Chang Tao-Ling (fl.35 AD) - Anonymous Artist
Sorting out the banknotes at the Paris Bank of France, 1897 - (after) Claverie
Sorting out the banknotes at the Paris Bank of France, 1897 - (after) Claverie
The God Amun offers a sickle weapon to the pharaoh Ramesses III as he strikes two captured enemies - Jean Francois Champollion
The God Amun offers a sickle weapon to the pharaoh Ramesses III as he strikes two captured enemies - Jean Francois Champollion
Felix de Vandenesse and Madame de Mortsauf, illustration for Le Lys Dans la Vallee by Honore de Balzac 1799-1850 published in 1871 - Pierre Gustave Eugene (Gustave) Staal
Felix de Vandenesse and Madame de Mortsauf, illustration for Le Lys Dans la Vallee by Honore de Balzac 1799-1850 published in 1871 - Pierre Gustave Eugene (Gustave) Staal
Ms Sup Turc 693 fol.95 Surgical puncture of the abdominal cavity of the aspiration of peritoneal fluid with a canula on a patient suffering from dropsy, 1466 - Charaf-ed-Din
Ms Sup Turc 693 fol.95 Surgical puncture of the abdominal cavity of the aspiration of peritoneal fluid with a canula on a patient suffering from dropsy, 1466 - Charaf-ed-Din
Forge of the Derosne and Cail Company - Etienne Carjat
Forge of the Derosne and Cail Company - Etienne Carjat
Carrousel for Louis XIV (1639-1715) c.1662 - Francois Chauveau
Carrousel for Louis XIV (1639-1715) c.1662 - Francois Chauveau
Poster advertising the centenary of Algeria (1830-1930), 1930 - Leon Cauvy
Poster advertising the centenary of Algeria (1830-1930), 1930 - Leon Cauvy
St James the Greater at Hermogenes 1565 - Pieter the Elder Bruegel
St James the Greater at Hermogenes 1565 - Pieter the Elder Bruegel
General plan of the salt works in the ideal city of Chaux - Claude Nicolas Ledoux
General plan of the salt works in the ideal city of Chaux - Claude Nicolas Ledoux
View near Point du Galle, Ceylon, engraved by Daniel Havell 1785-1826 published in 1809 - (after) Salt, Henry
View near Point du Galle, Ceylon, engraved by Daniel Havell 1785-1826 published in 1809 - (after) Salt, Henry
Ms Sup Turc 693 fol.29v Cauterisation of Scrofula, 1466 - Charaf-ed-Din
Ms Sup Turc 693 fol.29v Cauterisation of Scrofula, 1466 - Charaf-ed-Din
The Housekeeper - Jean-Baptiste-Simeon Chardin
The Housekeeper - Jean-Baptiste-Simeon Chardin

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Museum of the day: Galleria Doria-Pamphili, Rome, Italy

The Conversion of St. Paul - Taddeo Zuccari
The Conversion of St. Paul - Taddeo Zuccari
Earthly Paradise (Il Paradiso terrestre) - Jacopo Bassano (Jacopo da Ponte)
Earthly Paradise (Il Paradiso terrestre) - Jacopo Bassano (Jacopo da Ponte)
The Garden of Eden - Jacopo Bassano (Jacopo da Ponte)
The Garden of Eden - Jacopo Bassano (Jacopo da Ponte)
The Flood - Carlo Saraceni
The Flood - Carlo Saraceni
Mary Magdalene -  Caravaggio
Mary Magdalene - Caravaggio
The Repentant St Mary Magdalene 1617-21 - Domenico Fetti
The Repentant St Mary Magdalene 1617-21 - Domenico Fetti
Country Banquet - David The Younger Teniers
Country Banquet - David The Younger Teniers
Seascape with lighthouse of Genoa - Jan Theunisz Blanckerhoff
Seascape with lighthouse of Genoa - Jan Theunisz Blanckerhoff

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