Cyrano de Bergerac - Septimus Edwin Scott
The Kalmyk - Carle Vernet
The Battle of Somah, 1839 - Horace Vernet
The Russo-Japanese War: a hand-to-hand struggle in the earthworks at Port Arthur, illustration from The History of the Nation - Richard Caton Woodville
George Smith (1777-1836) as Schampt in 'The Woodman's Hut' by W.H. Arnold at the Drury Lane Theatre, 1816-17 - Samuel de Wilde
Whose Meat? - Charles Marion Russell
Jeanne Laisne Raises a Standard Against the Men of Bourgogne, engraved by Morret fl. 1790-1820 1787 - Antoine Louis Francois Sergent-Marceau
Portrait of the Rev. Thomas Levett and Favourite Dogs, Cock-Shooting, 1811 - James Ward
Buying Arms in Delhi, plate 34 from Voyage in India, engraved by Louis Henri de Rudder 1807-81 pub. in Paris, 1851 - (after) Soltykoff, A.