Order as handmade oil painting Portrait Of Casimira Princess Of Lippe Detmold-Anhalt Dessau (1749-1778), Bust Length, Wearing A Blue Dress With White Lace Scarf, And A Blue And Silver Hair Dress, In A Painterd Oval - German School |
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Portrait Of Casimira Princess Of Lippe Detmold-Anhalt Dessau (1749-1778), Bust Length, Wearing A Blue Dress With White Lace Scarf, And A Blue And Silver Hair Dress, In A Painterd Oval
English: "Portrait Of Casimira Princess Of Lippe Detmold-Anhalt Dessau (1749-1778), Bust Length, Wearing A Blue Dress With White Lace Scarf, And A Blue And Silver Hair Dress, In A Painterd Oval" oil on Canvas.
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German School
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