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Queens Cottage, Richmond Gardens, plate 17 from Kew Gardens A Series of Twenty-Four Drawings on Stone, engraved by Charles Hullmandel 1789-1850 published 1820
English: "Queens Cottage, Richmond Gardens, plate 17 from Kew Gardens A Series of Twenty-Four Drawings on Stone, engraved by Charles Hullmandel 1789-1850 published 1820" oil on Canvas, location: Yale Centre for British Art, Hartford, Connecticut, USA.
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(after) Papendiek, George Ernest
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Yale Centre for British Art, Hartford, Connecticut, USA
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Remains of Kew Palace from the Gardens, plate 6 from Kew Gardens A Series of Twenty-Four Drawings on Stone, engraved by Charles Hullmandel 1789-1850 published 1820 -
(after) Papendiek, George Ernest
South Front, Old Palace, Kew Gardens, plate 2 from Kew Gardens A Series of Twenty-Four Drawings on Stone, engraved by Charles Hullmandel 1789-1850 published 1820 -
(after) Papendiek, George Ernest
Stone House, Richmond Gardens, plate 23 from Kew Gardens A Series of Twenty-Four Drawings on Stone, engraved by Charles Hullmandel 1789-1850 published 1820 -
(after) Papendiek, George Ernest
Temple of Bellona, Kew Gardens, plate 24 from Kew Gardens A Series of Twenty-Four Drawings on Stone, engraved by Charles Hullmandel 1789-1850 published 1820 -
(after) Papendiek, George Ernest
Temple of Pan, Kew Gardens, plate 12 from Kew Gardens A Series of Twenty-Four Drawings on Stone, engraved by Charles Hullmandel 1789-1850 published 1820 -
(after) Papendiek, George Ernest
Temple of Victory, Kew Gardens, plate 19 from Kew Gardens: A Series of Twenty-Four Drawings on Stone, engraved by Charles Hullmandel 1789-1850 published 1820 -
(after) Papendiek, George Ernest
The Lebanon Cedar Tree in the Arboretum, Kew Gardens, plate 21 from Kew Gardens A Series of Twenty-Four Drawings on Stone, engraved by Charles Hullmandel 1789-1850 published 1820 -
(after) Papendiek, George Ernest
The Ruins, Kew Gardens, plate 15 from Kew Gardens A Series of Twenty-Four Drawings on Stone, engraved by Charles Hullmandel 1789-1850 published 1820 -
(after) Papendiek, George Ernest
The Sister Trees, Kew Gardens, plate 8 from Kew Gardens A Series of Twenty-Four Drawings on Stone, engraved by Charles Hullmandel 1789-1850 published 1820 -
(after) Papendiek, George Ernest
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