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Caricature of Francesco Crispi 1818-1901 and the defeat of the Italian invading army at the siege of Makalle Ethiopia cover of Le Petit Journal 9th February 1896

Order as handmade oil painting Caricature of Francesco Crispi 1818-1901 and the defeat of the Italian invading army at the siege of Makalle Ethiopia cover of Le Petit Journal 9th February 1896 - Henri Meyer |
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Caricature of Francesco Crispi 1818-1901 and the defeat of the Italian invading army at the siege of Makalle Ethiopia cover of Le Petit Journal 9th February 1896
English: "Caricature of Francesco Crispi 1818-1901 and the defeat of the Italian invading army at the siege of Makalle Ethiopia cover of Le Petit Journal 9th February 1896" oil on Canvas.
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Henri Meyer
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