Order as handmade oil painting Men in Heavy Armour Attack Bears by Stabbing them in the Vitals, plate 26 from Venationes Ferarum, Avium, Piscium Of Hunting Wild Beasts, Birds, Fish engraved by Jan Collaert 1566-1628 published by Phillipus Gallaeus of Amsterdam - Jan van der (Joannes Stradanus) Straet |
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Men in Heavy Armour Attack Bears by Stabbing them in the Vitals, plate 26 from Venationes Ferarum, Avium, Piscium Of Hunting Wild Beasts, Birds, Fish engraved by Jan Collaert 1566-1628 published by Phillipus Gallaeus of Amsterdam
English: "Men in Heavy Armour Attack Bears by Stabbing them in the Vitals, plate 26 from Venationes Ferarum, Avium, Piscium Of Hunting Wild Beasts, Birds, Fish engraved by Jan Collaert 1566-1628 published by Phillipus Gallaeus of Amsterdam" oil on Canvas.
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Jan van der (Joannes Stradanus) Straet
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Moors on Horseback Hunting Ostriches, plate 62 from Venationes Ferarum, Avium, Piscium Of Hunting Wild Beasts, Birds, Fish engraved by Jan Collaert 1566-1628 published by Phillipus Gallaeus of Amsterdam -
Jan van der (Joannes Stradanus) Straet
Natives Fishing for Giant Clams on the Indus, plate 102 from Venationes Ferarum, Avium, Piscium Of Hunting Wild Beasts, Birds, Fish engraved by Jan Collaert 1566-1628 published by Phillipus Gallaeus of Amsterdam -
Jan van der (Joannes Stradanus) Straet
Natives on the Indus Catching Ducks, plate 94 from Venationes Ferarum, Avium, Piscium Of Hunting Wild Beasts, Birds, Fish engraved by Jan Collaert 1566-1628 published by Phillipus Gallaeus of Amsterdam -
Jan van der (Joannes Stradanus) Straet
Sea Monster Attacking a Boat During a Spectacle in a Marine Enclosure at Ostia, plate 85 from 'Venationes Ferarum, Avium, Piscium Of Hunting Wild Beasts, Birds, Fish engraved by Jan Collaert 1566-1628 published by Phillipus Gallaeus of Amsterdam -
Jan van der (Joannes Stradanus) Straet
The Great King of the Parthians Hunts with his Tame Panthers, plate 9 from Venationes Ferarum, Avium, Piscium Of Hunting Wild Beasts, Birds, Fish engraved by Jan Collaert 1566-1628 published by Phillipus Gallaeus of Amsterdam -
Jan van der (Joannes Stradanus) Straet
Walking in the Snow - George Morland
Picking Cherries from La Petite Singerie - Christophe Huet
Battle Scene - Konstantin Stoilov
In the Roman Campagna - George Inness
Triumph, from the series of ten plates from 'Paraphrase on the Discovery of a Glove', 1878 published in 1881 - Max Klinger
The Pet Rabbit - William Hippon Gadsby
Goldfinch And Nest - William Cruickshank
Take heed lest thou owe a laughing stock to the winds - Eisman Semenowsky