Order as handmade oil painting Still Life Of Fruit In A Silver Tazza Together With Grapes, Bread, Roses, A Wine Glass And A Peeled Lemon On A Pewter Dish, All Arranged On A Ledge Draped With A Brown Cloth - Abraham Hendrickz Van Beyeren |
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Still life with apples and fruit bowl - Paul Cezanne
Reproduction of a poster advertising the 'Taverne Olympia', Paris, 1899 - Jules Cheret
A blue tit, a red finch, a patridge, a kingfisher, and other dead birds on a half draped table, with a glass and silver rimmed jug - Alexander Adriaenssen
Pear 1976 - Fernando Botero
A Bread Roll, Peaches, an Orange, a Lemon Segment, a porcelain Dish with Nuts, a Knife and a Roemer on a Shelf - Pieter Janssens Elinga
A Garland Of Blue And White Grapes, Peaches, Oranges, Lemons And Prunes, Figs, Corn And Chestnuts - Jan Pauwel II the Younger Gillemans
Still Life with Fruit and a Nautilus Cup - Hendrick van Streeck
A Still Life Of A Bunch Of Grapes Hanging From A Hook - Dutch School
Still Life with Fruit with View of Street from Window - Samuel Halpert