Order as handmade oil painting The Restoration of a Large Egyptian Temple, engraved by Pierre Nicolas Ransonette 1745-1810 from Volume III of Voyage Pittoresque, published by Letronne, Paris, 1799 - Pierre Nicolas Ransonette |
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The Choir plate 7 from Westminster Abbey - Frederick Mackenzie
The Road Side Inn, Somerset - William Joseph Shayer
Elevation of the Temple of Castor and Pollux, illustration from a facsimile copy of I Quattro Libri dellArchitettura written by Palladio, originally published 1570 - (after) Palladio, Andrea
View At The Castle Of Glerolles, 1885 - Francois Bocion
A capriccio view of Venice, with the church of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, and the Fabbriche Vecchie of Rialto beyond - Gianbattista Cimaroli
Village de Nivernais - Johan Barthold Jongkind
Santa Catalina, Seville - David Roberts
Piazzetta from the Piazza San Marco - Israël Silvestre the Younger
Design for a pastry shop display cabinet - F. Barabas