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The first charge at Hastings: Taillefer the minstrel sword-juggler rode from the ranks singing and tossing his sword in the air, 1066, illustration from the book The History of the Nation
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The first charge at Hastings: Taillefer the minstrel sword-juggler rode from the ranks singing and tossing his sword in the air, 1066, illustration from the book The History of the Nation
English: "The first charge at Hastings: Taillefer the minstrel sword-juggler rode from the ranks singing and tossing his sword in the air, 1066, illustration from the book The History of the Nation" oil on Canvas.
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Richard Caton Woodville
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William Rufus is presented with six new arrows on the morning of his death, illustration from the book The History of the Nation -
Richard Caton Woodville [locked]
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