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Ceremony introducing a Negro Chief to a Sennarian King, from Voyages au Soudan Oriental et dans lAfrique Septentrionale by Pierre Tremaux 1818-95 engraved by Laurens, 1852
Order as handmade oil painting Ceremony introducing a Negro Chief to a Sennarian King, from Voyages au Soudan Oriental et dans lAfrique Septentrionale by Pierre Tremaux 1818-95 engraved by Laurens, 1852 - Pierre Tremaux |
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View of Euphorbia Mamillarius and Euphorbia Canariensis, from Voyages au Soudan Oriental et dans lAfrique Septentrionale by Pierre Tremaux 1818-95 1852 -
Pierre Tremaux
Virgin Forest on the Edge of the Blue Nile, from Voyages au Soudan Oriental et dans lAfrique Septentrionale by Pierre Tremaux 1818-95 engraved by Tirpenne and J. Gaildrau, 1852 -
Pierre Tremaux [locked]
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