From WikiGallery
Bernard-Louis Borione
(4 paintings)
Biagio Pupini
(4 paintings)
Binks, R. Ward
(4 paintings)
Blamire Young
(4 paintings)
Bogdan Willewalde
(4 paintings)
Boleslaw Cybis
(4 paintings)
Bravo Cecco (Francesco Montelatici)
(4 paintings)
Bada Shanren
(3 paintings)
Baldassare d' Este
(3 paintings)
Barbara Krafft
(3 paintings)
Barend Hendrik Thier
(3 paintings)
Barna Da Siena
(3 paintings)
Baron Louis Albert Bacler d'Albe
(3 paintings)
Bartholomew Dandrige
(3 paintings)
Bartolome Perez
(3 paintings)
Bartolomeo Gennari
(3 paintings)
Bartolomeo Cavarozzi
(3 paintings)
Bartolomeo Neroni
(3 paintings)
Basile Lemeunier
(3 paintings)
Basilius Besler
(3 paintings)
Beatrice How
(3 paintings)
Belisario Gioja
(3 paintings)
Benedetto Diana
(3 paintings)
Paintings of the day
Natura Morta Con Vaso Di Fiori, Cesto Di Arance, Pesci, Cardi E Un Gatto -
Italian School
Allegory in Honour of the Birth of Henri de France 1820-83 Duke of Bordeaux in 1820, 1821 -
Jean-Charles Tardieu [locked]
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