A still life of roses in a berkemeijer glass, with butterflies and a snail, in an arched stone window with a landscape beyond -
Ambrosius the Elder Bosschaert
Nature morte aux bouquet de fleurs, cerises et oiseau and Nature morte aux bouquet de fleurs, quetsches et un geai -
Bartolommeo Bimbi
April, from 'Twelve Months of Flowers', by Robert Furber (c.1674-1756) -
Pieter Casteels
Boy Bitten by a Lizard (detail) c. 1594 -
Madame Valpinçon with Chrysanthemums 1865 -
Edgar Degas
Still-life with Chessboard (The Five Senses) 1630 -
Lubin Baugin
Tulips, irises, pink and white roses, narcissi, primroses and other flowers in a stone vase with butterflies, a caterpillar, a snail -
Peter Paul Binoit
Still-Life with Flowers and Fruit 1590s -
Chrysanthemum And Other Flowers In A Bowl -
Achille Zo
Still-Life with Flowers with a Garland of Fruit and Flowers c. 1645 -
Juan De Espinosa
Portrait group with Albert Rutherston (1881-1953) (After Lunch) 1910 -
Gerard Chowne