Celestial Planisphere Showing the Signs of the Zodiac, from 'The Celestial Atlas, or The Harmony of the Universe' -
Andreas Cellarius
Map of the Christian Constellations as depicted by Julius Schiller, from 'The Celestial Atlas, or The Harmony of the Universe' (2) -
Andreas Cellarius
Ancient Hemispheres of the World, plate 94 from 'The Celestial Atlas, or the Harmony of the Universe' -
Andreas Cellarius
World map with encircling zodiac, 'Situs Terrae Circulis Coelestibus Circundate", from 'The Celestial Atlas, or the Harmony of the Universe' -
Andreas Cellarius
Map Charting the Movement of the Earth and Planets, from 'The Celestial Atlas, or The Harmony of the Universe' -
Andreas Cellarius
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), detail from a Map showing the Copernican System of Planetary Orbits, 'Planisphaerium Copernicanum', from 'The Celestial Atlas, or The Harmony of the Universe' -
Andreas Cellarius
Planetary orbits, plate 18 from 'The Celestial Atlas, or the Harmony of the Universe' -
Andreas Cellarius
An Astronomer, detail from a map of the planets, from 'A Celestial Atlas, or The Harmony of the Universe' -
Andreas Cellarius
Constellations of the Southern Hemisphere, from 'The Celestial Atlas, or the Harmony of the Universe' -
Andreas Cellarius
Tycho Brahe's System, one of a series from 'The Celestial Atlas, or the Harmony of the Universe' -
Andreas Cellarius
Map of the Southern Hemisphere, from 'The Celestial Atlas, or The Harmony of the Universe' 1660 -
Andreas Cellarius
Ptolemaic System, from 'The Celestial Atlas, or The Harmony of the Universe', 1660-61 -
Andreas Cellarius
The Situation of the Earth in the Heavens, plate 74 from 'The Celestial Atlas, or the Harmony of the Universe' -
Andreas Cellarius
The Conjunction of the Planets, from 'The Celestial Atlas, or The Harmony of the Universe' -
Andreas Cellarius