Breton Girls Dancing Aka Dancing A Round In The Haystacks -
Paul Gauguin
World map with encircling zodiac, 'Situs Terrae Circulis Coelestibus Circundate", from 'The Celestial Atlas, or the Harmony of the Universe' -
Andreas Cellarius
Poster advertising the Revue 'Venus a Paris' at the Casino de Paris (late 19th century) -
Alfred Choubrac
The Odeon in the time of Pericles, illustration from 'Il Costumo Antico e Moderno' 1815-34 -
G. Castellini
Parmentier presents the potato to Louis XVI and his family -
Albert Chereau
Constellation of Capricorn, from 'Uranometria' -
Johann Bayer
Map Charting the Movement of the Earth and Planets, from 'The Celestial Atlas, or The Harmony of the Universe' -
Andreas Cellarius
'Cries of London' pl.8- Round & sound five pence a pound Duke Cherries, after Francis Wheatley (1747-1801) 1795 -
Antoine Cardon