'The French Standard', poster advertising the 'Atelier de Constructions Mecaniques, Bicycles and Tricycles, Paris, 1891 -
Jules Cheret
The Last Judgement (detail of a man being eaten by a monster) c.1504 -
Hieronymous Bosch
A Spaniard and his Mexican Indian Wife and their Child, from a series on mixed race marriages in Mexico -
Miguel Cabrera
Soldiers of the Vendee at the time of the French Revolution, c.1845 -
Madonna of the Goldfinch (Madonna del Cardellino) 1505-06 -
The Lady Of The Assumption Gives St Thomas Her Belt (detail) The Lady of the Assumption Gives St Thomas Her Belt (detail) c. 1475 -
Bartolomeo Della Gatta
Achilles- deciding to resume fighting upon the death of Patrocles -
Dirck Van Baburen