Reproduction of a poster advertising 'Back-Stage at the Opera', Musee Grevin, 1891 -
Jules Cheret
Ponting cinematographing the bow of the Terra Nova breaking through the ice flows, from Scotts Last Expedition -
Herbert Ponting
The Great War, cover of a book of documents, dispatches and reports from the Frankfurter Zeitung -
Lina von Schauroth
Tamara Karsavina (1885-1978) as Columbine, Vaslav Nijinsky (1890-1950) as Harlequin and Adolph Bolm (1884-1951) as Pierrot in Fokine's 'Carnaval' in 1910 -
Georges Barbier
Reproduction of a poster advertising the 'Casino d'Enghien', 1890 -
Jules Cheret