Fox Hunting, front cover, issue 12 of Monsieur magazine, pub. December, 1920 -
Maurice Taquoy
Cover of Memoires dune Bicyclette by Dr. Henry Aurenche -
Jean Routier
The Donkey and the Little Dog from Fables by Jean de La Fontaine 1621-95 -
Maurice Leloir
Plate depicting the Abolition of Privileges, 4th August 1789, Sarreguemines, 1889 -
Paul Utzschneider
Poster advertising the Terrot Cycles, in Dijon, 1900-01 -
The Day We Celebrate from Harpers Weekly 1867 -
Thomas Nast
Robinson Crusoe, from Peeps into the Past, published c.1900 -
Front cover of the childrens alphabet, La Menagerie de Bebe, Les Lettres enseignees par les Betes, c.1910 -
A. Vimar
Two postcards depicting Carmen, from the opera of the same name, c.1900 -
A. Utrillo
The She-Wolf Suckling Romulus and Remus, from the 'History of Romulus' cycle, c.1590 -
Agostino Carracci
George Washington at the Battle of Princeton, January 3rd 1777, from 'Life and Times of Washington', Volume I, 1857 -
Alonzo Chappel
Tom, Joe and Huck on the Raft', illustration from 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain (1835-1910) -
Geoffrey Whittam
The Union attack on Marye's Heights during the Battle of Fredericksburg, 13th December 1862 -
Frederick Carada