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Museo Del Prado, Madrid, Spain

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The Battle of Lepanto between the Christians and the Moslems - Giacomo Cortese (see COURTOIS, Jacques)
The Battle of Lepanto between the Christians and the Moslems - Giacomo Cortese (see COURTOIS, Jacques)
The Painter
The Painter's Studio 1780 - José del Castillo
Portrait of Philip V 1683-1746 - Jean Ranc
Portrait of Philip V 1683-1746 - Jean Ranc
Adoration of the Magi, closed - Hieronymous Bosch
Adoration of the Magi, closed - Hieronymous Bosch
The Sense of Hearing (detail) 1618 - Jan The Elder Brueghel
The Sense of Hearing (detail) 1618 - Jan The Elder Brueghel
The Relief of Constance, 1633 - Vincenzo Carducci
Jesus Disputing with the Elders 1686 - Juan de Valdes Leal
Jesus Disputing with the Elders 1686 - Juan de Valdes Leal
Dona Tomasa de Aliga - Louis (Carrogis) de Carmontelle
Dona Tomasa de Aliga - Louis (Carrogis) de Carmontelle
The General Duke of San Miguel 1854 - Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz
The General Duke of San Miguel 1854 - Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz
Portrait of Andrea Sacchi 1650-55 - Carlo Maratti
Portrait of Andrea Sacchi 1650-55 - Carlo Maratti
Joseph and his Brethren - Antonio del Castillo
Joseph and his Brethren - Antonio del Castillo
Adoration of the Magi - Pieter Coecke Van Aelst
Adoration of the Magi - Pieter Coecke Van Aelst
Auto de Fe in the Plaza Mayor, Madrid, 30 June 1680 - Francisco Rizi
Auto de Fe in the Plaza Mayor, Madrid, 30 June 1680 - Francisco Rizi
Pieta 1450 - Rogier van der Weyden
Pieta 1450 - Rogier van der Weyden
Bacchanal - Michel-Ange Houasse
Bacchanal - Michel-Ange Houasse
Adoration of the Magi (detail 5) c. 1510 - Hieronymous Bosch
Adoration of the Magi (detail 5) c. 1510 - Hieronymous Bosch
Still-life 2 - Osias, the Elder Beert
Still-life 2 - Osias, the Elder Beert
Still Life with Flowers and a Dog c. 1625-30 - Juan Van Der Hamen
Still Life with Flowers and a Dog c. 1625-30 - Juan Van Der Hamen
The Abduction of Ganymede - Peter Paul Rubens
The Abduction of Ganymede - Peter Paul Rubens
Leaving the Bath - Eduardo Rosales
Leaving the Bath - Eduardo Rosales
Deposition (detail-4) c. 1435 - Rogier van der Weyden
The Holy Family 1594-1604 - El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos)
The Holy Family 1594-1604 - El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos)
Deposition [detail: 3] - Rogier van der Weyden
Deposition [detail: 3] - Rogier van der Weyden
Mrs Thornton - John Hoppner
Mrs Thornton - John Hoppner
St Andrew and St Francis 1595 - El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos)
St Andrew and St Francis 1595 - El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos)
The Visitation 1480-1500 - Spanish Unknown Masters
The Visitation 1480-1500 - Spanish Unknown Masters
Hunt in Honour of Charles V at the Castle of Torgau (detail) 1544 - Lucas The Elder Cranach
Hunt in Honour of Charles V at the Castle of Torgau (detail) 1544 - Lucas The Elder Cranach
View of Zaragoza 1647 - Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velazquez
View of Zaragoza 1647 - Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velazquez
Master Ward - George Romney
Master Ward - George Romney
The Relief of Genoa - Antonio de Pereda
The Relief of Genoa - Antonio de Pereda
St James the Apostle 1612-13 - Peter Paul Rubens
St James the Apostle 1612-13 - Peter Paul Rubens
Immaculate Conception c. 1678 - Bartolome Esteban Murillo
Immaculate Conception c. 1678 - Bartolome Esteban Murillo
Triptych of Haywain (1) 1500-02 - Hieronymous Bosch
Triptych of Haywain (1) 1500-02 - Hieronymous Bosch
The Holy Family with Saints and the Master Alonso de Villegas 1589 - Blas del Prado
The Holy Family with Saints and the Master Alonso de Villegas 1589 - Blas del Prado
St Francis Supported by an Angel c. 1603 - Orazio Gentileschi
St Francis Supported by an Angel c. 1603 - Orazio Gentileschi
Landscape - Joos De Momper
Landscape - Joos De Momper
The Annunciation 1430 - Angelico Fra
The Annunciation 1430 - Angelico Fra
The Werl Altarpiece (detail) 1438 - (Robert Campin) Master of Flémalle
The Werl Altarpiece (detail) 1438 - (Robert Campin) Master of Flémalle
Landscape with the Finding of Moses 1637-39 - Claude Lorrain (Gellee)
The Assumption of the Virgin, c.1590 - Annibale Carracci
The Assumption of the Virgin, c.1590 - Annibale Carracci
The fleet of King Charles III 1716-88 of Spain before the city of Naples - Antonio Joli
The fleet of King Charles III 1716-88 of Spain before the city of Naples - Antonio Joli
Ceres and Stellio - Adam Elsheimer
Landscape with Windmills c. 1607 - Jan The Elder Brueghel
Landscape with Windmills c. 1607 - Jan The Elder Brueghel
Virgin and Child (Durán Madonna) c. 1440 - Rogier van der Weyden
The Itinerant Musicians - Jacob Jordaens
The Itinerant Musicians - Jacob Jordaens
The Death of the Virgin 1490s - Spanish Unknown Masters
The Garden, 1908 - Santiago Rusinol i Prats
The Garden, 1908 - Santiago Rusinol i Prats
The Descent of Christ into Limbo 1516 - Sebastiano Del Piombo (Luciani)
The Descent of Christ into Limbo 1516 - Sebastiano Del Piombo (Luciani)
The Hunting Party at Aranjuez - Juan Bautista Martinez del Mazo
The Hunting Party at Aranjuez - Juan Bautista Martinez del Mazo
The Baptism 1596-1600 - El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos)
The Baptism 1596-1600 - El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos)
The Countess of Santovenia, 1871 - Eduardo Rosales
The Countess of Santovenia, 1871 - Eduardo Rosales
Vase of Flowers 1635-36 - Juan Fernandez
Vase of Flowers 1635-36 - Juan Fernandez
Queen Margarita of Austria - Bartolome Gonzalez Y Serrano
Queen Margarita of Austria - Bartolome Gonzalez Y Serrano
The Annunciation (detail 1) 1430 - Angelico Fra
Philip IV on Horseback 1634-35 - Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velazquez
Philip IV on Horseback 1634-35 - Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velazquez
St Jerome - Juan de Valdes Leal
St Jerome - Juan de Valdes Leal
Carnival Time in Rome 1653 - Jan Miel
Carnival Time in Rome 1653 - Jan Miel
The Triumph of Death (detail) c. 1562 - Pieter the Elder Bruegel
The Triumph of Death (detail) c. 1562 - Pieter the Elder Bruegel
The Fall of Manna - Diego Polo
The Fall of Manna - Diego Polo
Philip III 1578-1621 King of Spain, 1606 - Juan Pantoja de la Cruz
The Cardinal Infante c. 1634 - Peter Paul Rubens
The Cardinal Infante c. 1634 - Peter Paul Rubens
Parnassus, 1626 - Nicolas Poussin
Parnassus, 1626 - Nicolas Poussin
St Onuphrius - Francisco Collantes
Death of the Virgin c. 1461 - Andrea Mantegna
Death of the Virgin c. 1461 - Andrea Mantegna
Allegory of Summer - Mariano Salvador Maella
Allegory of Summer - Mariano Salvador Maella
Landscape - Gillis van Coninxloo
Auto de fe in the Plaza Mayor in Madrid, detail, 1680 - Francisco Rizi
Auto de fe in the Plaza Mayor in Madrid, detail, 1680 - Francisco Rizi
Crucifixion, 1635 - Claudio Coello
Crucifixion, 1635 - Claudio Coello
The Presentation of Don John of Austria to Charles V in c.1558, 1869 - Eduardo Rosales
The Presentation of Don John of Austria to Charles V in c.1558, 1869 - Eduardo Rosales
Landscape with St. Jerome - Nicolas Poussin
Landscape with St. Jerome - Nicolas Poussin
The Old Faun, 1912 - Santiago Rusinol i Prats
The Old Faun, 1912 - Santiago Rusinol i Prats
St Dominic and the Albigenses c. 1495 - Pedro Berruguette
St Dominic and the Albigenses c. 1495 - Pedro Berruguette
The Visitation - Vicente Masip
The Visitation - Vicente Masip

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Museum of the day: Neue Pinakothek, Munich, Germany

Heroic Landscape with Rainbow 1815 - Joseph Anton Koch
Heroic Landscape with Rainbow 1815 - Joseph Anton Koch
The Poor Poet 1835 - Carl Spitzweg
The Poor Poet 1835 - Carl Spitzweg
Building the Devil's Bridge 1833 - Karl Blechen
Building the Devil's Bridge 1833 - Karl Blechen
The Road to Hampton Court, 1895 - Alfred Sisley
The Road to Hampton Court, 1895 - Alfred Sisley
The Sin, 1893 - Franz von Stuck
The Sin, 1893 - Franz von Stuck
Judith 1840 - August Riedel
Judith 1840 - August Riedel
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1828 - Joseph Karl Stieler
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1828 - Joseph Karl Stieler
The Laundress, c.1869 - Edgar Degas
The Laundress, c.1869 - Edgar Degas
Wilhelm Leibl and Sperl on the hunt, 1890-1895 - Wilhelm Leibl
Wilhelm Leibl and Sperl on the hunt, 1890-1895 - Wilhelm Leibl