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Musée Des Beaux-Arts, Lyon, France

Displaying Page 1 of 1   1   29 paintings

Adoration of the Kings (Epiphany) c. 1476 - Pietro Vannucci Perugino
Adoration of the Kings (Epiphany) c. 1476 - Pietro Vannucci Perugino
I penitenti nella campagna romana (Penitents in the Roman Countryside) - Jean-Paul Flandrin
I penitenti nella campagna romana (Penitents in the Roman Countryside) - Jean-Paul Flandrin
Le Poème de l
Le Poème de l'âme - Solitude - Anne-Francois-Louis Janmot
Les fleurs des champs (Flowers of the Field) (or Wildflower) - Anne-Francois-Louis Janmot
Les fleurs des champs (Flowers of the Field) (or Wildflower) - Anne-Francois-Louis Janmot
Le Poème de l
Le Poème de l'âme - Amour (The Poem of the Soul - Love) - Anne-Francois-Louis Janmot
Le Poème de l
Le Poème de l'âme - L'Échelle d'or (The Poem of the Soul - The Golden Ladder) - Anne-Francois-Louis Janmot
Le Poème de l
Le Poème de l'âme - Adieu (The Poem of the Soul - Goodbye) - Anne-Francois-Louis Janmot
Le Poème de l
Le Poème de l'âme - Le Mauvais sentier (The Poem of the Soul - The Wrong Path) - Anne-Francois-Louis Janmot
Le Poème de l
Le Poème de l'âme - Le Printemps (The Poem of the Soul - Spring) - Anne-Francois-Louis Janmot
Portrait of Marie Coca and her Daughter, 1913 - Suzanne Valadon
Portrait of Marie Coca and her Daughter, 1913 - Suzanne Valadon
The Happy Lovers, 1844 - Gustave Courbet
The Happy Lovers, 1844 - Gustave Courbet
Le Poème de l
Le Poème de l'âme - L'Orgie (The Poem of the Soul - The Orgie) - Anne-Francois-Louis Janmot
Le Poème de l
Le Poème de l'âme - Chute fatale (The Poem of the Soul - Fatal Fall) - Anne-Francois-Louis Janmot
Le Poème de l
Le Poème de l'âme - Intercession maternelle (The Poem of the Soul - Maternal Intercession) - Anne-Francois-Louis Janmot
St John the Evangelist 1630s - Francesco Furini
Le Poème de l
Le Poème de l'âme - Le Passage des âmes (The Poem of the Soul - Passage of the Souls) - Anne-Francois-Louis Janmot
Le Poème de l
Le Poème de l'âme - L'Espirit du mal (The Poem of the Soul - The Spirit of Evil) - Anne-Francois-Louis Janmot
Adoration of the Kings (Epiphany) [detail: 1] - Pietro Vannucci Perugino
Adoration of the Kings (Epiphany) [detail: 1] - Pietro Vannucci Perugino
Interior of a Church (2) - Peeter, the Elder Neeffs
Interior of a Church (2) - Peeter, the Elder Neeffs
Le Poème de l
Le Poème de l'âme - Sans Dieu (The Poem of the Soul - Godless) - Anne-Francois-Louis Janmot
Le Poème de l
Le Poème de l'âme - Le Vol de l'âme (The Poem of the Soul - The Soul's Flight) - Anne-Francois-Louis Janmot
Portrait of the artist
Portrait of the artist's wife, Madame de Chavannes, 1883 - Pierre Cécile Puvis de Chevannes
Le Poème de l
Le Poème de l'âme - L'Infini (The Poem of the Soul - The Infinite) - Anne-Francois-Louis Janmot
Le Poème de l
Le Poème de l'âme - L'Idéal (The Poem of the Soul - The Ideal) - Anne-Francois-Louis Janmot
Le Poème de l
Le Poème de l'âme - Les Générations du mal (The Poem of the Soul - Generations of Evil) - Anne-Francois-Louis Janmot
Le Poème de l
Le Poème de l'âme - Sursum Corda (The Poem of the Soul - Sursum Corda) - Anne-Francois-Louis Janmot
The Wave, after 1870 - Gustave Courbet
The Wave, after 1870 - Gustave Courbet
Le Poème de l
Le Poème de l'âme - Le Toit paternal (The Poem of the Soul - Under the Paternal Roof) - Anne-Francois-Louis Janmot

Displaying Page 1 of 1   1   29 paintings

Museum of the day: Musee Marmottan, Paris, France

Still Life with a Cut Apple and a Pitcher 1876 - Berthe Morisot
Still Life with a Cut Apple and a Pitcher 1876 - Berthe Morisot
Peasant in the Fields - Henri Rouart
Peasant in the Fields - Henri Rouart
Self Portrait - Berthe Morisot
Self Portrait - Berthe Morisot
Children With A Bowl - Berthe Morisot
Children With A Bowl - Berthe Morisot
Landscape in Tours 1892 - Berthe Morisot
Landscape in Tours 1892 - Berthe Morisot
Child With A Red Apron - Berthe Morisot
Child With A Red Apron - Berthe Morisot
Mythological Scene - Bartholomaeus Spranger
Mythological Scene - Bartholomaeus Spranger
The Coat of Arms of the Marcello Family - Francesco di Giovanni de Russi
The Coat of Arms of the Marcello Family - Francesco di Giovanni de Russi
Landscape - Henri Rouart
Landscape - Henri Rouart