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Musée Du Louvre, Paris, France

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Coronation of the Virgin - Angelico Fra
Coronation of the Virgin - Angelico Fra
The Hay Trussers, 1850-51 - Jean-Francois Millet
The Hay Trussers, 1850-51 - Jean-Francois Millet
Coronation of the Virgin (detail 1) 1434 - Angelico Fra
Coronation of the Virgin (detail 1) 1434 - Angelico Fra
The Ox Cart - Frans Jansz. Post
The Ox Cart - Frans Jansz. Post
St Mammes and Duke Alexander 1541 - Jean the Elder Cousin
St Mammes and Duke Alexander 1541 - Jean the Elder Cousin
Athaliah Expelled from the Temple - Antoine Coypel
Athaliah Expelled from the Temple - Antoine Coypel
The Holy Family with SS. John, Elizabeth and the Infant John the Baptist - Nicolas Poussin
The Holy Family with SS. John, Elizabeth and the Infant John the Baptist - Nicolas Poussin
Battle near a Bridge - Adam Frans van der Meulen
Battle near a Bridge - Adam Frans van der Meulen
House of a Portuguese Nobleman in Brazil - Frans Jansz. Post
House of a Portuguese Nobleman in Brazil - Frans Jansz. Post
Virgin and Child between St. Justine and St. George, with a Benedictine monk - Paolo Veronese (Caliari)
Virgin and Child between St. Justine and St. George, with a Benedictine monk - Paolo Veronese (Caliari)
Phrosine and Melidore or The Kiss - Honoré Daumier
Phrosine and Melidore or The Kiss - Honoré Daumier
View of the Pont Neuf, Paris - Joseph Mallord William Turner
View of the Pont Neuf, Paris - Joseph Mallord William Turner
A Smoker Leaning on a Table, 1643 - David The Younger Teniers
Vue du golfe de Bandol: la pêche au thon [detail #1] (View of the Gulf of Bandol: Fishing for Tuna) - Claude-joseph Vernet
The Presentation in the Temple - Manfredi de Battilor Bartolo Di Fredi Fredi
The Presentation in the Temple - Manfredi de Battilor Bartolo Di Fredi Fredi
Self Portrait 4 - Maurice Quentin de La Tour
Self Portrait 4 - Maurice Quentin de La Tour
The Fate Spinning Marie
The Fate Spinning Marie's Destiny 1622-25 - Peter Paul Rubens
Marie Louise Sennegon, 1831 - Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot
Julius Caesar 100-44 BC Crossing the Rubicon - Jean Fouquet
Julius Caesar 100-44 BC Crossing the Rubicon - Jean Fouquet
Horse, from the The Vallardi Album - Antonio Pisano (Pisanello)
Horse, from the The Vallardi Album - Antonio Pisano (Pisanello)
The Little Shepherdess - Jean-Francois Millet
The Little Shepherdess - Jean-Francois Millet
View of the Convent of Ara Coeli with Pines 1780s - Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes
Skaters on a Frozen Canal, 1779 - Hendrik Willem Schweickardt
Skaters on a Frozen Canal, 1779 - Hendrik Willem Schweickardt
Spring, 1857 - Charles-Francois Daubigny
Spring, 1857 - Charles-Francois Daubigny
Officiator at the Royal Sacrifice - Syrian Unknown Master
Officiator at the Royal Sacrifice - Syrian Unknown Master
View of the Bridge and Chateau of St. Angelo, Rome, c.1748 - Claude-joseph Vernet
View of the Bridge and Chateau of St. Angelo, Rome, c.1748 - Claude-joseph Vernet
The Augustan Bridge at Narni - Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot
Family in an Interior with Squirrels possibly the Burton Family from Eltham Kent 1755-60 - Philipe Mercier
Family in an Interior with Squirrels possibly the Burton Family from Eltham Kent 1755-60 - Philipe Mercier
Pieta - Ludovico Brea
Portrait of Nikolaus Kratzer 1528 - Hans, the Younger Holbein
The Last Supper - Domenico Tintoretto (Robusti)
The Last Supper - Domenico Tintoretto (Robusti)
Portrait of a Woman - German Unknown Masters
The Ill Matched Couple - Francisco De Goya y Lucientes
The Ill Matched Couple - Francisco De Goya y Lucientes
Christ in the house of Martha and Mary, detail of the kitchen, 1620 - Hendrick van, the Younger Steenwyck
Audience Granted by the Doge 1766-70 - Francesco Guardi
Audience Granted by the Doge 1766-70 - Francesco Guardi
The Virgin and Child Surrounded by Saints - Francesco Pesellino
The Virgin and Child Surrounded by Saints - Francesco Pesellino
Triumph of St Thomas Aquinas 1471 - Benozzo di Lese di Sandro Gozzoli
Triumph of St Thomas Aquinas 1471 - Benozzo di Lese di Sandro Gozzoli
The Muses Melpomene Erato and Polymnia - Eustache Le Sueur
The Muses Melpomene Erato and Polymnia - Eustache Le Sueur
A Shepherd Playing the Flute Whilst a Peasant Girl Listens - Jean-Honore Fragonard
A Shepherd Playing the Flute Whilst a Peasant Girl Listens - Jean-Honore Fragonard
Marshal Michel Ney 1769-1815 at the redoubt of Kovno, 1812 - Auguste Raffet
Port Scene with the Departure of Ulysses from the Land of the Feaci 1646 - Claude Lorrain (Gellee)
Port Scene with the Departure of Ulysses from the Land of the Feaci 1646 - Claude Lorrain (Gellee)
Six Monkeys and a Sturgeon, from The Vallardi Album - Antonio Pisano (Pisanello)
Six Monkeys and a Sturgeon, from The Vallardi Album - Antonio Pisano (Pisanello)
The Hunts of Maximilian Capricorn The Boar Hunt 1521 33 - (after) Orley, Bernard van
The Hunts of Maximilian Capricorn The Boar Hunt 1521 33 - (after) Orley, Bernard van
Portrait of a Man - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
Portrait of a Man - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
The Birth of St. John the Baptist - Luca Signorelli
The Birth of St. John the Baptist - Luca Signorelli
Madame Philibert Rivière, née Marie-Françoise-Jacquette-Bibiane Blot de Beauregard [detail] - Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
Portrait of John Milnes, 12th Duke of St. Albans (d.1810) c.1771-72 - Josepf Wright Of Derby
Portrait of John Milnes, 12th Duke of St. Albans (d.1810) c.1771-72 - Josepf Wright Of Derby
The Promenade du Poussin or, Roman Campagna, c.1826-28 - Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot
The Promenade du Poussin or, Roman Campagna, c.1826-28 - Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot
Landscape with Paris and Oenone 1648 - Claude Lorrain (Gellee)
Landscape with Paris and Oenone 1648 - Claude Lorrain (Gellee)
Comtesse Tessin 1741 - Jean-Marc Nattier
Comtesse Tessin 1741 - Jean-Marc Nattier
The Forest 1740 - François Boucher
The Forest 1740 - François Boucher
Portrait of Gaspar Mayer 1795 - Jacques Louis David
Portrait of Gaspar Mayer 1795 - Jacques Louis David
Sheet of studies, from the The Vallardi Album - Antonio Pisano (Pisanello)
Sheet of studies, from the The Vallardi Album - Antonio Pisano (Pisanello)
The Preaching of St Gery 1475-80 - Flemish Unknown Masters
The Preaching of St Gery 1475-80 - Flemish Unknown Masters
The Legend of Saint George- The Saint Dragged through the City - Bernat (Bernardo) Martorell
Fortified Castle - (after) Durer or Duerer, Albrecht
Fortified Castle - (after) Durer or Duerer, Albrecht
Scene from the "Master Andrew
Scene from the "Master Andrew's Tomb" c. 1707 - Claude Gillot
Skating Scene at Kampen - Barent Avercamp
Skating Scene at Kampen - Barent Avercamp
The Young Artist - Jan Lievens
The Young Artist - Jan Lievens
The Forge - Louis Le Nain
The Forge - Louis Le Nain
River Landscape with a Windmill and a Ruined Castle 1644 - Jan van Goyen
River Landscape with a Windmill and a Ruined Castle 1644 - Jan van Goyen
Portrait of Charles Crowle - Pompeo Gerolamo Batoni
Portrait of Charles Crowle - Pompeo Gerolamo Batoni
Scene of a War with a Fire 1569 - Gillis Mostaert
Scene of a War with a Fire 1569 - Gillis Mostaert
Portrait of Emilie Sériziat and her Son 1795 - Jacques Louis David
Portrait of Emilie Sériziat and her Son 1795 - Jacques Louis David
Napoleon on the Battle Field of Eylau - Antoine-Jean Gros
Napoleon on the Battle Field of Eylau - Antoine-Jean Gros
The Concert c. 1657 - Gerard Ter Borch
The Concert c. 1657 - Gerard Ter Borch
Portrait of Charles Le Brun 1686 - Nicolas de Largillierre
Portrait of Charles Le Brun 1686 - Nicolas de Largillierre
Portrait of Claude-Henri Watalet 1763 - Jean Baptiste Greuze
Portrait of Claude-Henri Watalet 1763 - Jean Baptiste Greuze
The Musical Society, 1688 - Francois Puget
The Musical Society, 1688 - Francois Puget
Inn by a River - David The Younger Teniers
Inn by a River - David The Younger Teniers
The Disembarkation of Cleopatra at Tarsus 1642-43 - Claude Lorrain (Gellee)
The Disembarkation of Cleopatra at Tarsus 1642-43 - Claude Lorrain (Gellee)
Heads of three men, from the The Vallardi Album - Antonio Pisano (Pisanello)
Heads of three men, from the The Vallardi Album - Antonio Pisano (Pisanello)
The Card-Players 1663-65 - Pieter De Hooch
The Card-Players 1663-65 - Pieter De Hooch

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Museum of the day: Wallace Collection, London, England

Les Charmes de la Vie (The Music Party) c. 1718 - Jean-Antoine Watteau
Les Charmes de la Vie (The Music Party) c. 1718 - Jean-Antoine Watteau
The Broken Mirror 1763 - Jean Baptiste Greuze
The Broken Mirror 1763 - Jean Baptiste Greuze
Fete in a Wood 1720-25 - Nicolas Lancret
Fete in a Wood 1720-25 - Nicolas Lancret
Queen Victoria 1838 - Thomas Sully
Queen Victoria 1838 - Thomas Sully
Dance to the Music of Time c. 1638 - Nicolas Poussin
Dance to the Music of Time c. 1638 - Nicolas Poussin
Celebrating the Birth 1664 - Jan Steen
Celebrating the Birth 1664 - Jan Steen
Cardinal Mazarin's Last Sickness 1830 - Paul Delaroche
Cardinal Mazarin's Last Sickness 1830 - Paul Delaroche
The Ghosts of Paolo and Francesca Appear to Dante and Virgil 1835 - Ary Scheffer
The Ghosts of Paolo and Francesca Appear to Dante and Virgil 1835 - Ary Scheffer
The Birth of Venus - Jacques Charlier
The Birth of Venus - Jacques Charlier