From WikiGallery
Sidney Richard Percy
(71 paintings)
Sir Edward John Poynter
(64 paintings)
Spencer Frederick Gore
(62 paintings)
Simone Martini
(58 paintings)
Suzuki Harunobu
(54 paintings)
Simeon Solomon
(52 paintings)
Sir Hubert von Herkomer
(50 paintings)
Sir John Gilbert
(48 paintings)
Suzanne Valadon
(48 paintings)
Sir John Lavery
(47 paintings)
Sir Frank Dicksee
(46 paintings)
Sir Francis Grant
(45 paintings)
Sir Alfred East
(44 paintings)
Sir George Hayter
(44 paintings)
Sir James Thornhill
(44 paintings)
Stanislas Lepine
(44 paintings)
Samuel Bough
(43 paintings)
Sebastien Vrancx
(42 paintings)
Soma Orlai Petrich
(41 paintings)
Samuel Jackson
(40 paintings)
Stefano della Bella
(39 paintings)
Sawrey Gilpin
(38 paintings)
Sebastiano Del Piombo (Luciani)
(38 paintings)
Sir Nathaniel Dance-Holland
(38 paintings)
Samuel Thomas Gill
(36 paintings)
Paintings of the day
Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in a white bonnet with a blue ribbon -
English School
El Beato Juan de Ribera en la expulsión de los moriscos (The Blessed Juan de Ribera in the Expulsion of the Moors) -
Francisco Domingo Marques
Canal abandonado. Vriesland (Holanda) (Abandoned Canal. Vriesland (Holland)) -
Carlos de Haes [locked]
Oil Paintings related news
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Oil painting coming home to Utah from South African embassy - Daily Herald |
Why Doesn't Nancy Pelosi Have an Oil Painting? John Boehner Has One. - National Journal |