Louis XIV 1638-1715 as Jupiter Conquering the Fronde, 1648-67 -
Charles Poerson
Lunette depicting Psyche undertaking an ordeal set by Venus of retrieving from the underworld a jar containing the beauty of Proserpine, from the Sala di Amore e Psiche, 1528 -
Giulio Romano (Orbetto)
The field of Igor Svyatoslavich's battle with the Polovtsy, 1889 -
Viktor Vasnetsov
Allegory in praise of Cardinal Richelieu 1585-1642 fighting against Austria the eagle Spain the lion and the enemies within France the caterpillars -
Jean Ganiere or Gagniere
Eagle Over 100000 Acre Plain at Susaki Fukagawa Juman tsubo from the series 100 Views of Edo Meisho Edo hyakkei -
Utagawa or Ando Hiroshige
An eagle attacking ducks in a pond with putti escaping in an Italianate garden -
Baldassare de Caro