Equestrian portrait of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax (1617-71) -
Edward Bower
Portrait of Admiral Sir Charles Saunders c.1713-75 Vice-Admiral of the Blue squadron, engraved by James McArdell c.1729-65 -
Sir Joshua Reynolds
Portrait of Charles Jennens (1700-73), patron and friend of Handel -
Mason Chamberlin
Portrait of George Gordon Byron (1788-1824) 6th Baron Byron, 1813 -
Richard Westall
Portrait of Admiral Thomas Smith (d.1762) Vice-Admiral of the White, engraved by John Faber (1684-1756) 1746 -
Richard Wilson
Portrait of Eva Ment, wife of Governor Jan Pietersz, Coen of Hoorn, 1631 -
Jakob Wabbe
Portrait of a lady wearing a black dress and a white collar -
Jan Mytens
Portrait of Dominique Francois Jean Arago 1786-1853 1842 -
Ary Scheffer