Call for Artists: Paris/Berlin International Meetings - roARatorio, Paris FR France
Call for Artists: Residencies Available in South India - Art Residencies India, London UK United Kingdom
Call for Artist: Seeking New Studio Artists - Binney and Smith Gallery, Banana Factory, Bethlehem, PA, USA United States of America
REFLECTIONS OF LIFE: Recent Works by Anna Winestein - Felix Juliani Gallery, Massachusetts Bay Community College, Wellesley, MA, USA United States of America
POP IMACT! From Johns to Warhol - Columbia Museum of Art, Columbia, SC, USA
Making a Prince's Museum: Drawings for the Late Eighteenth-Century Redecoration of the Villa Borghese in Rome - J. Paul Getty Center, LOS ANGELES, CA, USA
Amazons in the Drawing Room: The Art of Romaine Brooks - Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley, CA, USA United States of America
Drum and Dance Workshop 99 - Studio Danse Nyata Nyata , USA United States of America
Till the Cows Come Home: Films and Photography by Nick May - Tullie House Museum and Art Services, Carlisle UK United Kingdom
Richard Solstjarna Represented in the French Artdictionairy LA MER 2006 - Marie-José Bouscayrol with Regard Publishing , FR France
The Art of Richard Tuttle - San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA, USA