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Giuseppe Arcimboldo

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Project for a Costume, The Cook - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Eve with the apple - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Drawing of an elephant - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Design of a dress for rhetoric - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Eve And The Apple With Counterpart1 1578 - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Design of a sled - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

The Spring 4 - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Headdress Design - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Maximilian II and His Family - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Peasant Women Going to the Market - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Design of a dress for Geometry - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

The Spring 3 - Giuseppe Arcimboldo
The Spring 3 - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

An Allegory Of Death - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

The Winter 4 - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

The Winter 5 - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Death of the Virgin - Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Death of the Virgin - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Ninfa Flora - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

The Spring 2 - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Processing of Sericulture - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Processing of Sericulture 4 - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Design of a dress for Astrology - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Processing of Sericulture 5 - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Processing of Sericulture 3 - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Design of a dress for Music - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Processing of Sericulture 2 - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

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Previous & Next Artists

Giuseppe Amisani
Giuseppe Amisani
Giuseppe Angeli
Giuseppe Antonio Petrini
Giuseppe Antonio Petrini
Giuseppe Antonio Pianca
Giuseppe Antonio Pianca
Giuseppe (d'Arpino) Cesari (Cavaliere)
Giuseppe (d'Arpino) Cesari (Cavaliere)
Giuseppe (Fra Vittore Galgario) Ghislandi
Giuseppe (Fra Vittore Galgario) Ghislandi
Giuseppe (Il Cremonese) Caletti
Giuseppe (Il Cremonese) Caletti
Giuseppe (Il Sansons) Marchese
Giuseppe (Il Sansons) Marchese

Paintings of the day

A Frigate - Vasilios Chatzis
The Camel Train Condessi Mount Sinai - Edward Lear
The Camel Train Condessi Mount Sinai - Edward Lear
The high Loch on Ben Ledi, Perthshire - Charles Leslie
The high Loch on Ben Ledi, Perthshire - Charles Leslie
What One Does to Another - Francisco De Goya y Lucientes
In the Fields, 1890 - Camille Pissarro
Classical Idyll - A. Lorenzo
Classical Idyll - A. Lorenzo
The artist's studio - Antonio Lonza
A Boat Anchored In A Harbour - Joseph Mallord William Turner
A Boat Anchored In A Harbour - Joseph Mallord William Turner
The Dead Christ - Sisto Badalocchio

Art News

Call for Artists: Paris/Berlin International Meetings - roARatorio, Paris FR France
Call for Artists: Residencies Available in South India - Art Residencies India, London UK United Kingdom
Call for Artist: Seeking New Studio Artists - Binney and Smith Gallery, Banana Factory, Bethlehem, PA, USA United States of America
REFLECTIONS OF LIFE: Recent Works by Anna Winestein - Felix Juliani Gallery, Massachusetts Bay Community College, Wellesley, MA, USA United States of America
POP IMACT! From Johns to Warhol - Columbia Museum of Art, Columbia, SC, USA
Making a Prince's Museum: Drawings for the Late Eighteenth-Century Redecoration of the Villa Borghese in Rome - J. Paul Getty Center, LOS ANGELES, CA, USA
Amazons in the Drawing Room: The Art of Romaine Brooks - Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley, CA, USA United States of America
Drum and Dance Workshop 99 - Studio Danse Nyata Nyata , USA United States of America
Till the Cows Come Home: Films and Photography by Nick May - Tullie House Museum and Art Services, Carlisle UK United Kingdom
Richard Solstjarna Represented in the French Artdictionairy LA MER 2006 - Marie-José Bouscayrol with Regard Publishing , FR France
The Art of Richard Tuttle - San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA, USA

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