Seduction (Allegory of Youth and Age) c.1515 - Cariani
Portrait of a Man 1506-10 - Lorenzo Lotto
Resurrection of the Boy (detail 1) 1482-85 - Domenico Ghirlandaio
Still-Life with Partridge and Iron Gloves 1504 - Jacopo de Barbari
Presentation of Mary in the Temple, oil on canvas, 1504-08 - Vittore Carpaccio
Deposition c. 1515 - Giovanni Bellini
Ceiling decoration (2) 1496-98 - Leonardo Da Vinci
The Fall and Expulsion from Garden of Eden (detail-4) 1509-10 - Michelangelo Buonarroti
Resurrection of the Flesh (detail-4) 1499-1502 - Francesco Signorelli