Portrait of Cosimo de' Medici, half-length wearing armour -
Agnolo Bronzino
Portrait of Agostino Barbarigo - Paolo Veronese (Caliari)
Portrait of Christian Wolff - Johann Georg Wille
Portrait of Mendeleev - Ilya Efimovich Efimovich Repin
Portrait of George Monck, 1st Duke of Albemarle (1608-1670) - English School
Portrait Of A Gentleman - Josepf Wright Of Derby
Portrait of Duke Armand Emmanuel de Richelieu 1766-1822 2 - Sir Thomas Lawrence
Portrait of Tzar Peter II 1715-30 - Grigory Dmitriev Molchanov
A Portrait Of A Gentleman, Head And Shoulders, Wearing A Black Coat And Hat - (after) Durer or Duerer, Albrecht
Early Self-portrait 1900 - Tamas Lossonczy