Penitent Mary Magdalene with putti - Pietro Liberi
Brunhild Aka The Valkyrie - Odilon Redon
Diana and Actaeon - Dirck van der B Lisse
In the Studio Artists Vision - Hans Holtzbecher
The Rustic Banquet celebrating the marriage of Cupid and Psyche, with the three lunettes above depicting one of Psyches ordeals to bring back from the Underworld a jar containing the beauty of Proserpine, from the Sala di Amore e Psiche, 1528 - Giulio Romano (Orbetto)
Eve (detail) 1524 - Hans Baldung Grien
Alpheus And Arethusa - Paolo di Matteis
Offerings to Venus - Jacopo d'Antonio Negretti (see Palma Giovane)