View of the Rotunda, Ranelagh House, at a Ball to Celebrate the Birthday of HRH, the Prince of Wales - Canaleti
Native Inhabitants near Port des Francois on the North West coast of America - Gaspard Duche de Vancy
The Birth of the Virgin, detail of servants in the background, 1504-08 - Vittore Carpaccio
Marie Therese Louise de Savoie Carignan 1749-92 Princess of Lamballe - Henri Pierre Danloux
Diana at the Hunt (Hunting Nymphs) 1833 - Károly, the Elder Markó
Figures in a interior - (after) Francis Wheatley
Allegoric Scene - Jacek Malczewski
A Letter from Edwin - John Morgan
The Chinese Tea Plantation in the Botanic Gardens at Rio de Janeiro, engraved by Leon Jean Baptiste Sabatier fl.1827-87 and Victor Adam 1801-66 c.1835 - Johann Moritz Rugendas