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The Ghent Altarpiece- Adoration of the Lamb (detail 1) 1425-29
Order as handmade oil painting The Ghent Altarpiece- Adoration of the Lamb (detail 1) 1425-29 - Jan Van Eyck |
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The Ghent Altarpiece- Adoration of the Lamb (detail 4) 1425-29 -
Jan Van Eyck
The Ghent Altarpiece- Adoration of the Lamb (detail 6) 1425-29 -
Jan Van Eyck
The Ghent Altarpiece- Adoration of the Lamb (detail 8) 1425-29 -
Jan Van Eyck
The Ghent Altarpiece- Adoration of the Lamb (detail 9) 1425-29 -
Jan Van Eyck
The Ghent Altarpiece- Angels Playing Music (detail 4) 1426-27 -
Jan Van Eyck
The Ghent Altarpiece- Arched Window with a View 1432 -
Jan Van Eyck [locked]
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