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Alpine Scene 1865
Order as handmade oil painting Alpine Scene 1865 - Gustave Dore |
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Already on my temples beam'd the crown, (Canto VIII., line 71) -
Gustave Dore
An elegant company seated in a park, from the series depicting London society -
Gustave Dore
And in the boiling lake both well. (Canto XXII., line 139) -
Gustave Dore
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor Shall be lifted?nevermore! -
Gustave Dore
And one who watch'd, but spake not yet a word. (Canto IX, line 72) -
Gustave Dore
And, 'midst the wailing, (Canto XX., line 22) -
Gustave Dore [locked]
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