Portrait of a girl looking to the left, bust-length, wearing a blue mantle -
Rosalba Carriera
Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in a silver dress with a blue shawl -
Rosalba Carriera
Fruthling - Koloman Moser
Cupid and Psyche with their daughter Voluptuousness, waited on by Ceres who pours water into a basin held by Juno, detail of the noble banquet, from the Sala di Amore e Psiche, 1528 - Giulio Romano (Orbetto)
The Birth of Venus - (after) Francois Boucher
The Artist's Studio, a Real Allegory, detail of the painter and his model, 1854-55 - Gustave Courbet
The Suicide of Lucrezia 2 - Albrecht Durer
Andromeda - Ignace Henri Jean Fantin-Latour
Venus and Cupid (1) - Alessandro Allori
Cephalus and Aurora - Nicolas Poussin
Chaos, 1906 - Kuzma Sergeevich Petrov-Vodkin