Order as handmade oil painting Still Life with Chafing Dish, Pewter, Gold, Silver, and Glassware - Willem Kalf |
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Still-Life with an Aquamanile, Fruit, and a Nautilus Cup -
Willem Kalf
Still-Life with Porcelain and a Nautilus Cup -
Willem Kalf
The courtyard of a cottage with a peasant by a fire -
Willem Kalf
Charter and Pendant of the Order of the French Legion of Honour - C. Hildebrandt
Still life in Blue 1947 - Fernand Toussaint
Still Life With Roses In A Vase And A Birds Nest - William Henry Hunt
Still Life With A Pewter Jug, A Tazza On Its Side, A Bread Roll, A Crab In A Pewter Dish - Jan Jansz. den Uyl
Still Life Of A Nautilus Cup, An Overturned Tazza, A Partially Eaten Pie In A Pewter Bowl And A Knife, Together With Two Wine Glasses, And Olives And A Peeled Lemon In Pewter Dishes, All Arranged Upon A Table Top Partly Draped With A White Cloth - (after) Willem Claesz. Heda
Composition with Paraffine Lamp, Vase and Book - Piere-Paul Prudhon
A kitchen interior with utensils in the foreground - (after) Hendrick Maertensz. Sorch (see Sorgh)
Still Life with a Basket of Vegetables - George Leslie Hunter
Still Life 3 - Johann Georg (also Hintz, Hainz, Heintz) Hinz