The Daemon of evil, with his fierce ravening, greedily grasped them - (after) Bacon, John Henry Frederick
Study of the Human Figure, Posterior View, from A Comparative Anatomical Exposition of the Structure of the Human Body with that of a Tiger and a Common Fowl, 1795-1806 - George Stubbs
The Angel appearing to St Zacharias in the Temple - Davide Ghirlandaio
Le Ravissement de Psyche (The Rapture of Psyche) - William-Adolphe Bouguereau
Similarities Between the Head of an Eagle and a Man - (after) Le Brun, Charles
Le Ministere de la Marine 1865 - Charles Meryon
The Death Of Adonis - (after) Lorenzo Sabatini
Marcus Curtius - (after) Bertholet Flemal
Hagar and Ishmael in the Wilderness - Karel Dujardin