Figures and sheep on a track, Malvern, Worcestershire -
Alfred Vickers
Figures before a cottage, a paddlesteamer on the river beyond -
Alfred Vickers
A Distant View Of Athens - Edward Lear
Theophile Gautier 1811-72 - Celestin Francois Nanteuil
The Courtyard of the Sorbonne, mid nineteenth century - Adolphe Rouergue and Emile Rouergue
Tourists in Japan climbing Mount Fuji, 1882 - (after) Ralston, William
Portrait of David Garrick 1717-79 - Francis Hayman
The South Gate, Exeter - Thomas Rowlandson
Pont des Invalides - Sarah Thompson Townsend
Playing hide-and-seek - Berthold Woltze
Christchurch, Spitalfields - Thomas Hosmer Shepherd