The Capture of the Retinue of Abd-el-Kader 1808-83 or, The Battle of Isly on August 14th, 1844, 1844-63 -
Horace Vernet
The Coronation of the Empress Maria Fyodorovna 1759-1828 1797 -
Horace Vernet
The Sinking of Sophie on the Saharan Coast, frontispiece to 'Naufrage du brick francais La Sophie perdu le 30 mai 1819 sur la cote occidentale dAfrique by Charles Cochelet, engraved by Motte, published 1821 -
Horace Vernet
The Death of Nelson 1863-65 - Daniel Maclise
Storming of Khelat, the troops entering the Zenana, 13th November, 1839, from The Storming of Ghuznee and Khelat by W. Taylor, 1839 - (after) Wingate, Lieutenant Thomas
The Battle of Aboukir, 7 Thermidor, Year 7 25 July 1799 engraved by Louis Francois Couche 1782-1849 - (after) Swebach, Jacques Francois Joseph
Battle of Castalla - (after) Heath, William
Cromwell at Dunbar - Andrew Carrick Gow
The Assault on Jerusalem led by Jacques de Molay (c.1243-1314) in 1299, front cover of Art and Histoire Militaires textbook, c.1900 - (after) Pattanoire, M.
Battle in the Rue de Rohan 28th July 1830 1831 - Charles Emile Hippolyte Lecomte-Vernet
Motor Launches rescuing crews of the Blockships at Zeebrugge - (after) Maxwell, Donald
A cavalry battle - Hendrik Vershuring