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Portrait of the Rev. Thomas Levett and Favourite Dogs, Cock-Shooting, 1811
Order as handmade oil painting Portrait of the Rev. Thomas Levett and Favourite Dogs, Cock-Shooting, 1811 - James Ward |
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Portrait of Vic, a Spanish Bloodhound, c.1818-20 -
James Ward
Portraits of two extraordinary oxen, the property of the Earl of Powis, 1814 -
James Ward
Primrose and Foal, from Celebrated Horses, a set of fourteen racing prints published by the artist, 1823-24 -
James Ward
Ryelands Sheep, the King's Ram, the Kings Ewe and Lord Somervilles Wether, c.1801-07 -
James Ward
Selling Rabbits, engraved by William Ward (1766-1826) 1796 -
James Ward
Sir Charles Blunt (b.1775) Hunting the Boar and Escaping from the Tiger: a study for one of a set of four paintings made in 1815 -
James Ward [locked]
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