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Construction of the new London Bridge alongside the old London Bridge, 1823
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Great Dover Road Turnpike, and distant view of St. Georges Church, 1825 from Pennants London -
Gideon Yates
Lower Thames Street with the Entrance to Fishmongers' Hall, 1831 -
Gideon Yates
Paddlesteamers and other shipping on the Thames before London Bridge -
Gideon Yates
View from above Goding's New Lion Ale Brewery -
Gideon Yates
View of London Bridge from the North Bank at Custom's house Quay, looking south, showing St.Olave's, Tooley street -
Gideon Yates
View of Old London Bridge from the south bank looking towards Fishmongers Hall and The Monument -
Gideon Yates [locked]
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