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A Chinese circus, illustration from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Giulio Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s

Order as handmade oil painting A Chinese circus, illustration from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Giulio Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s - Gaetano Zancon |
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Emperor Chien Lung carried in Triumph, plate 18 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s -
Gaetano Zancon
Great Walls of Peking, illustration from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Giulio Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s -
Gaetano Zancon
Principal attendants of the Chinese Emperors procession, illustration from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Giulio Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s -
Gaetano Zancon
Three Baltok celebrate the Hindu Festival of Giolen-Giatrah, plate 52 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s -
Gaetano Zancon [locked]
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