Portrait of John Horne Tooke (1736-1812), small full-length, in a black sleeping hat and blue suit, reclining on a bed -
John Raphael Smith
Portrait of the Right Honorable Charles James Fox, M.P. (1749-1806), seated in his study, in a blue coat and mustard waistcoat and britches -
John Raphael Smith
Retirement, engraved by William Ward 1766-1826, pub. by the artist, 1786 -
John Raphael Smith
Thoughts on Matrimony, engraved by William Ward 1766-1826, pub. by the artist, 1786 -
John Raphael Smith
Winter, Portrait of a lady, full-length, in a blue dress with pink wrap and black hat, in a landscape with a dog -
John Raphael Smith
A merry ditty - Antonio Zoppi
Achilles Searching for the Shade of Patrocles - Johann Henry Fuseli
A Music Lesson, Seville - John Phillip
The Moon and Endymion, 1731 - Bernard Picart
Elderly Couple (The Artist's parents) 1920 - Istvan Desi-Huber
Man harkens to the Appeal of Conscience, 1910 - Frederic James Shields
Spring Garden, from Hortus Floridus, published 1614-15 - Crispijn van de Passe
An Idyll - Albert Joseph Moore
Viola and the Duke - Frederick Richard Pickersgill