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The New Wildcat House at the Jardin des Plantes, from Le Petit Journal, 31th March 1895
Order as handmade oil painting The New Wildcat House at the Jardin des Plantes, from Le Petit Journal, 31th March 1895 - Oswaldo Tofani |
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The Panama Trial, from Le Petit Journal, engraved by Fortune Louis Meaulle 1844-1901 2nd January 1898 -
Oswaldo Tofani
The Prince of Wales 1841-1910 Visiting the Building Site of the 1900 Universal Exhibition, from Le Petit Journal, 20th March 1898 -
Oswaldo Tofani
The Rennes Trial Dreyfus Brought to the Court Martial, cover of Le Petit Journal, 20 August 1899 -
Oswaldo Tofani [locked]
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