Sir Walter Raleigh 1554-1618 trying to establish friendship with King Arromaia of Guiana - (after) Le Moyne, Jacques (de Morgues)
Roderick Dhu and a Clansman, 1810, from Lady of the Lake by Walter Scott (1771-1832) - Richard Westall
Orphan Boys Asylum from Modern Liverpool Illustrated - William Gavin Herdman
View Over The Lagoon - Boris Dmitrievich Grigoriev
The Court of Mantua - Andrea Mantegna
Three German Soldiers (Holl.73) - Daniel Hopfer
Ducks by a Pond - Antonio (Antonis Matteo) Montemezzo
Alexander II 1818-81 of Russia - D.J. Pound
Empress Josephine - Charles Emile Hippolyte Lecomte-Vernet