Portrait of Sir Joseph Banks,1743-1820 1810 - Thomas Phillips
Self-Portrait with Hat The Painter at Work 1925 - Karoly Patko
Portrait of Borso dEste Prince of Ferrara - Baldassare d' Este
Self-Portrait 1630s - Rembrandt Van Rijn
Portrait of Colonel Alexander Campbell of Possil - Sir Henry Raeburn
Portrait of S A Sobolevsky 1832 - Julia Vajda
Abraham 1610-88 Marquis du Quesne, 1787, from Portraits des grands hommes, femmes illustres, et sujets memorables de France, engraved by Ride, published 1787-92 - Antoine Louis Francois Sergent-Marceau
Francois de Hangeste, seigneur de Genlis (1513-77), c.1543 - (studio of) Clouet
Portrait of a Gentleman - (after) Dahl, Michael