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Exotic Bird, from 'Drawings of Birds from Malacca', c.1805-18 (4)
Order as handmade oil painting Exotic Bird, from 'Drawings of Birds from Malacca', c.1805-18 (4) - Anonymous Artist |
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Exotic Bird, from 'Drawings of Birds from Malacca', c.1805-18 (5) -
Anonymous Artist
Exotic Bird, from 'Drawings of Birds from Malacca', c.1805-18 (6) -
Anonymous Artist
Exotic Fish, from 'Drawings of Fishes from Malacca', c.1805-18 -
Anonymous Artist
Fawn, from 'Drawings of Animals, Insects and Reptiles from Malacca', c.1805-18 -
Anonymous Artist
Female figures making offerings to Avalokitesvara (Guanyin) (detail from a hanging scroll from the Dunhuang Caves, 664 AD) -
Anonymous Artist
Figures and Vessels before a Pagoda in a Mountainous River Landscape, c.1850 -
Anonymous Artist [locked]
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