Jarmark w Balcie - Josef von Brandt
Great Subscription Room at Brookss, St.Jamess, engraved by Stadler, from Ackermanns Microcosm of London - & Pugin, A.C. Rowlandson, T.
Le Pont Neuf Paris - Pierre Auguste Renoir
Membre du Directoire Executif - James Gillray
Tivoli, Temple of the Sibyl - Samuel Prout
The Tomb of the Emperor Baber - (after) Atkinson, James
The Insurrection in Herzegovina: An Ambuscade, from The Illustrated London News, 1st April 1882 - Richard Caton Woodville
Don Sebastien Martyez y Pez - Francisco De Goya y Lucientes
A portuguese commander - Gonzales Cocques