A kitchen still life with a pheasant, a lobster, various fruits and vegetables - David Emil Joseph de Noter
Study of a Fowl, Lateral View, from A Comparative Anatomical Exposition of the Structure of the Human Body with that of a Tiger and a Common Fowl, 1795-1806 8 - George Stubbs
Peacock, Hen and Cock Pheasant in a Landscape - Tobias Stranover
Circaetus gallicus - Edward Lear
Cock Robin defending his Nest - John Anster Fitzgerald
Ting-a-Ting Tang Poor Old Robinson Crusoe - Arthur Rackham
Pheasant in the Evening Rain, from "Eight Pictures of Birds" 1772-1781 - Isoda Koryusai
Still-Life with Birds - Master of the Hartford Still-life
Election Candidate or the Republican Goose at the Top of the Pole 2 - James Gillray