Double portrait of Lucy Lyman Paine Sturgis and John Hubbard Sturgis, small, full-length, the former seated -
George Chinnery
Fishermen seated beneath the Citadel and Franciscan Fort, Macao -
George Chinnery
King Cophetua and the Beggarmaid - Daniel Maclise
The 'Haarlemmer Poort' in Amsterdam with figures on a road and in boats - Thomas Heeremans
The Spirit Of The Summit - Lord Frederick Leighton
Her Captain was a Cuban, from The Cruise of the Caribee by Thomas V. Briggs, published in Harpers Monthly Magazine, December 1907 - Howard Pyle
Mihaly Dobozi and his Wife sketch 1842 - Mihaly Kovacs
The High Court of Justice at Versailles - Edme Adolphe Fontaine
Le Repas D'Huitres - François Brunery
A Young Beauty - Aby Altson
Christ and the woman taken into adultery - en brunaille - Adriaen Pietersz. Van De Venne