Salisbury Cathedral from the Bishop's Grounds c. 1825 -
John Constable
Salisbury Cathedral from the Bishop's Grounds, c.1822-23 -
John Constable
A coastal landscape with fisherfolk selling their catch - (after) Isaac Willaerts
Wooded Landscape with a ploughman - John Constable
A shepherd driving his flock before a Scottish castle - Paul Sandby
A view of Scheveningen from the dunes with travellers on a path, the sea beyond - Salomon van Ruysdael
An Artist sketching on a Balcony, with Amalfi beyond - Franz Richard Unterberger
The Rope Bridge at Serinagur - Thomas Daniell
Arab Horsemen I - Adolf Schreyer
Ebbing Waters - Frederick Judd Waugh
Trekvaart bij Leiden - Willem Roelofs