Conversation After Coffee - Herman Frederick Carel Ten Kate
A study of two apples - French School
A Forest Landscape With Travellers, And Sportsmen With Their Dogs - School Of Brussels
A Story from the Life of Jseph the Hebrew - Andrea Del Sarto
Glass Bottle Van - William Francis Freelove
Honore de Balzac 1799-1850 with a cane - (after) Daumier, Honore
A man in profile to the left, his right arm raised, his right arm resting on his thigh - Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Mehemet Ali 1769-1849 Viceroy of Egypt - Auguste Forbin
The Last Goodbyes of Louis XVI 1754-93 to his Family, 20th January 1793, engraved by J. L. Benoist fl.1800-40 - (after) Queverdo, Francois Maria Isidore