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Portrait of HRH Frederica Charlotte Ulrica Princess Royal of Prussia and Duchess of York

Order as handmade oil painting Portrait of HRH Frederica Charlotte Ulrica Princess Royal of Prussia and Duchess of York - John Hoppner |
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Portrait of HRH Frederick Augustus Duke of York in the uniform of the Colonel of the Coldstream Guards with charger held by a hussar -
John Hoppner
Portrait of J. Cotes M.P., half-length, in a white cravat and black coatet, before a red drape -
John Hoppner
Portrait of John Barrow, half-length, in a black coat -
John Hoppner
Portrait of Lady Barbara Ashley-Cooper, half-length, in a white dress and black shawl, in a landscape -
John Hoppner
Portrait of Lady Boothby, three-quarter length, in a grey dress and with a plume in her hair, a landscape beyond -
John Hoppner
Portrait of Lady Boothby, three-quarter length, in a grey dress and with a plume in her hair, a landscape beyond 2 -
John Hoppner
Portrait of Lady Mildmay, standing three-quarter-length, in a white dress, with her child, a landscape beyond -
John Hoppner [locked]
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